第230章 弗雷德的送别会(上)(4/7)
pot, only after learng that you are about to return to your untry, did i dare to attend the etg and nfess to (弗雷德先生,抱歉,我一直没有勇气袒露我的想法。因为各方面的因素,让我忌惮您的身份,您知道,在中国社会,到了一定的阶层,很难再听到真心话。而我,之所以迟迟不回应您的心意,是觉得您对我只是一时兴起,没想到,您却一直在等待。事到如今,得知您即将回国,我才敢赴会,向您坦白。)”沈穆瑶接过他的酒杯,轻呷了一口酒。
“is it what is your answer(是吗?那你的答案是什么?)”弗雷德饶有兴趣的望着她的眼睛等待回应。
“i" rry, i can"t aept your love, and i won"t leave sheng fangchen perhaps you can"t understand the eotions beeen and hi, but i t adit that he is the only ang for to (很抱歉,我不能接受您的爱意,我也不会离开盛方宸,或许你无法理解我和他之间的这种情感,但我必须承认,他是我活下去的唯一意义。)”沈穆瑶语气笃定的回应道。
"oh y goodness, i really can"t can"t you survive without this an(哦!我的老天,我确实无法想象,难道没了这个男人,你无法存活吗?)"
“this is truly a regrettable thg! to be honest, i a very jealo of sheng fangche